I haven't actually got anything prepared lol. So here are some interesting blog facts. :)
Top 5 countries that i get the most views from:
Top 5 countries that i get the most views from:
1. US
2. Germany
3. UK
4. France
5. Australia
Top 5 countries from which viewers spend the most time on my blog:
Top 5 countries from which viewers spend the most time on my blog:
1. Fiji
2. Guadelope
3. Mauritius
4. El Salvador
5. Egypt
Average time spent on my blog each visit - Imin 25secs
Average number of views per day - 1,124
Top 5 search engine keywords to get here:
1. mirrorboy blog
2. mirrorboy
3. mirrorboy's blog
4. mirrorboys blog
5. mirrorboys
5 most popular labels on my blog.
1. videos
2. young
3. wanking
4. sex
5. about me
creepy much lol
weird - 'sleep' was number 8. :)
Top 5 linking sites that i get the most visitors from:
4. El Salvador
5. Egypt
Average time spent on my blog each visit - Imin 25secs
Average number of views per day - 1,124
Top 5 search engine keywords to get here:
1. mirrorboy blog
2. mirrorboy
3. mirrorboy's blog
4. mirrorboys blog
5. mirrorboys
5 most popular labels on my blog.
1. videos
2. young
3. wanking
4. sex
5. about me
creepy much lol
weird - 'sleep' was number 8. :)
Top 5 linking sites that i get the most visitors from:
1. boysforthewin.blogspot.com
2. blog.milkboys.org
3. veritas-thequest.blogspot.com
4. blogger.com (meaning followers)
5. boysbestofficial.blogspot.com
Most looked at post:
Most looked at post:
Hope you enjoy me. :D
200,000 already? It wasn't that long ago you were talking about 100,00 views.
I'll have to spend less time looking at your blog - I strive to be somewhat lower than average.
Congrats on the number of fans.
Interesting statistics.
Great pics on your previous post - looks just like my town - I fkn wish!
You do seem so much more positive, upbeat, and like you've really got a vision for your future. Fantastic.
You'll get there, you do have the inner strength. Hang on in there, you can handle shitsville until the time is right for you to move on.
You'll know when that time is, and that's when you'll make that transition.
(F*** -repetition - i've commented enough about that on Universes, and now i've just done it good style - can't be arsed rewriting.)
anyways, life is different for all of us - at least you now have a positive vision, and know what you want.
Take care, hang on to that vision, never lose sight of it. Missed u on IM (time zones i guess) but u know how to contact me if u need to talk. guess that won't be necessary right now, tho.
Lotsa luv
Hahaha, I like those 5 most popular labels XD
Congratulations on 200k views :D
YAY FTW !! Love the cat picture thats so cute it made me smile before bed. :)
Congrats. And don't forget, SO MANY people follow you via RSS feed also, I don't think that shows up in statistics.
But you really are an "anchor" in our little blog-land - so many people love you, care for you, laugh with you (I think a few might laugh AT you, but that makes them fuckwits), cry with you, and depend on you for humor, advice, sugar, spice, and everything nice you do on here. In short, We <3 Mirrorboy *big hugs* :)
(ok, sorry, the sugar spice stuff was pretty stupid sounding what can I say)
i enjoy you
congrats 200K you are the man
take care and be safe
lol @ bob. "I enjoy you"
Keep it up mcake! Melbourne is sadness without you.
I've had time to analyse your blog stats. Frankly, they mean nothing.
Top 5 most viewed countries are totally unrelated to top 5 countries spending time on your site. This surely implies language problems. They obviously can't understand what you're saying!
Ave. time spent per visit 1 min 25 secs. That's pretty quick, considering I'm usually about 10 mins before I really get a handle on your posts.
Ave. no. of hits per day 1,124. Absolutley meaningless, considering I account for about 1,000 of them!
Labels - used them twice, for specific info when i've had concerns. How do other people use them - don't know.
Links from other blogs - I don't use them - you're on my favourites list. can't comment on the validity of those stats.
Hope u don't take this seriously. Having a degree in stats, just thought a bit of humour might stop u getting too big headed!
thought i'd read all of your blog. but but don't recall "i don't do teddies". read it tonight. i never had a teddy bear, i remember an elephant. by the time i'd finished with it, it had no hair, and possibly no ears! yay for a bit of friction.
Take care, luv u lots
Luv, Baz
Congrats on 200k views. Yeah!!!
Sos, forgot to compliment u on 200,000 hits - but how many of those are me? Good stuff tho, and as Seth says, you are an "anchor" in this blogworld.
Lotsa luv, Baz
congrats buddy... we can not be 200K friends... I just hit it earlier today...
love ya loads...
why are u never on msn anymore? i havent talked to you in forever. im stating to think u dont like me.....
Wow, 200K eh? XD
I <3 Yoshi, btw. ^_^
I do love MB <3
Congrats on the achievement! I do love the 'I dont do teddies' post is #1...he he... I remember it like it was yesterday...
And here I been celebrating 2000!
We'll celebrate in the big city with a beer sometime :)
Have a cool day!
Why did you list the top 5's? I thought you didn't like that number. Have you gotten over it? Or will you give us the top 7's now?
BTW, if your town were adjacent to Melbourne, instead of three hours away by train, wouldn't you like to live there?
Congratulation sweetie.
Wow! Congrats buddy!! Yet another milestone in the ever-improving life of Mirrorboy!!
Where's the "200 things" list?
Take care,
lol @ Col.
The 200 random things post is for the 200th post celebration. :)
Nice, congras... But, can I ask you something. How do you watch that statistic? is it Google analytics or some blogger stats that I didn't find out yet...
Yep it was Google Analytics.
Congrats on 200k!!!! Love and Hugs!
Doh!! *blushes* :)
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