Jim (Jemima). A much less photogenic cat than Tig.
Tig loves the camera. So much so he will try to rub his gums on it.
Ugh... so i finally got around to posting, even though i have a massive headache tonight... :/
And... it's 11 o'clock...
What can you say at 11? When you're tired and have a headache...
I dunno... I really can't think of anything. I'm just so bored and down and i can't be stuffed tonight. I'm sick of school and i've got all this homework to do (which i haven't done yet - it can wait till tomorrow or somethin). We're really (i mean REALLY) low on money so tensions are high in my house. Mum's also on placement doing some stuff during the day so usually wants the computer at night and because only the pc in the kitchen has the internet, we have to share... which is lame.
Bah... This is a pointless post... I am so fucking tired right now you... wouldn't... believe...
And the paragraphs are going all crazy on me while i'm trying to type so... smeh...
And... crazy... green... lines... everywhere... o_o
See you later, friends, when i'm feeling better.
The view from my front window (minus the cat).
Big hugs muchacho.
just chillax with some music, fuck school if it's making you miserable, should move to the city and do VCE @ Tafe.
or something less extravagant!
Pretty view! You may be convincing me to get a cat...
What is your homework?
Awww, da sweetums widdoo kitties! :D
How can you not feel good looking at those pix?
Thanks for posting. Keep 'em coming.
Nice view out the window. Looks like you have some nice surroundings.
What you say at 11:00 when you're tired and have a headache is, "Not tonight, I have a headache."
Sorry its tough times.
sorry things are rough dude. i won't give you the lecture. homework sucks too. try not to get too behind, because it's a lot harder to get caught back up than it is to slog through as it comes in. time management is something that evades a lot of people. not saying it's the case here, but one of the reasons i comment late is reading blogs is the last thing i do in the day. i love your cat pictures. my cat loves cameras too. if i get mine out (camera, that is), she's always right in front. makes it a problem if i want a photo of something else. she also likes to rub on the lens hoods on both cameras. it's an ownership thing, she's saying, that's MY camera, and you'd better take some pictures of me. ok buddy, gotta go, hope you get over the headache and all. we're with ya dude. see us then.
yes nice view out your window very nice garden, and funny cat. school is always like that, you just have to get on with it, let time pass and do your homework
Wow looks like you have a really nice garden/landscape out front of your place.
Get some rest and feel better.
wow... your front yard looks amazing... would love to live in a place that looks likes that.
i hope you can get out of your little funk and pick yourself up a bit... i know times are tough but you are strong and you can handle anything...
hell... you handled being outed at school, you can handle this...
i luv ya buddy... and feel better.
Hey! sorry i haven't been their for u lately but i got really sick the emial will explain. U might want to really think about what OC talked about with ur writing, it would help u with future job's. i dont know if i'm going tommorow so but i will tyr to go k?
Hope is well :|
Matthew (wolf)
That's Matthew there ^^
My best friend from school. :)
So you finally got around to commenting huh? :P
He's been reading for a while, although some of the stuff on here must really creep him out...
You have TWO cats?! Tiger is really cute. :P
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