I'm really glad i've got a break from school. I feel like, for the first time in a really loooong loooong time, i can be myself, and not instead be consumed by school worries.
I've realised that i'm much, much stronger during my break. I have a confidence now, which didn't exist while i was at school. And in general, i'm just so much happier. It's great. I wish i could be like this all the time...
I'm just going to enjoy it while i can.
I'm getting to know myself again.

This may be strange, but I'm the exact opposite. I become lethargic and tired when I don't have something to do, something to occupy my mind. School keeps me busy - and I rather like being busy because it keeps my mind off other things.
I'm guessing that your school isn't like mine...
it is nice to know you are feeling better and more confident. sometimes getting away from something gives you a chance to review your life and make positive changes
i hope the sun is shining on you today making you all warm and happy. Could you respond to my email? you asked me the question
take care and be safe
I'm happy you've got a break too... I like the real you.
You really are a strong guy and i appreciate all you've helped me with. I hope I can be half as strong as you in the end :)
take care buddy
oh and when you do that to your cats it scares me...haha
I'll blame you if I cant sleep tonight :p
Congratulations on feeling better and having more confidence within you. I hope that it will carry through when you have to go back to school. Don't let school strip away your confidence!
And I agree with xthecouragex, your cats scare me now... hehe
Strength builds strength - the number of people who listen to you, and even depend on you, is amazing for one so young in years. So often I have read something along the lines of "I felt so bad about ..., but then I thought of what mirrorboy said ..."
You must have an old head!
Enjoy the break =]
Self-discovery is important! :) I hope you find the real you and let it shine!
And you can make freaky pictures of the cats while you're at it... O.O
See how great it will be when you get out of that shitty school!
I'm looking forward to it for you if nothing else!
PS- I am feeding a friends cat while he is out of town, and it is really adorable. However, everytime I walk in the door to the apartment it starts meowing at me. So I think "it must be hungry"--but it has food... he has a litter box so its not like he wants to go outside...so Im a bit lost. Seeing as this is really my first interaction with a cat I don't know if there is something obvious that cats do.... maybe he is just starved for attention.
i know of another therapy you have been doing a lot more often since vacation started... lol
glad you are feeling better...
^^Does he always have to be pervy??
Even though I do school from home, it still feels good to be on break.
lol at the cats. Thank God I didn't see those before I went to bed. lol
The kitty pix are … "interesting." It must be fun to do that sort of stuff. Of course they actually look better without the photoshopping.
This is the first break since you were outed at school. I'm hoping that the perspective you gain from being away from it for a while will help you feel less stressed when you get back. You got through that term. Now you can get through the rest. "resiliency," I think they call it.
Enjoy the rest of the break.
breaks are good. mine's been about a week too long already, and i've another to go. glad you're relaxing.
and planetx_123, your friend's cat is probably wanting attention. our office cats mob us first thing in the morning, and after weekends, they become particularly adhesive. cats get bored when they're by themselves. if you're brave, try touching noses with it. that's hello in cat.
Now this has absolutely nothing to do with this post, but I think we both know who impersonated me on AJ's chatbox the other day.
And it WASN'T me!!
jeez that gave me a headache!!!
Well since you're not on msn this is the only way I can talk to you.
I sense a little anger in you're voice..or should I say writing
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