I had a pretty good day. No catastrophes. That's always a plus. lol
Yeah but seriously. Things are going okay. :)
My Monday classes do indeed run from 9am to 4pm. We got out a little early today because only a handful of people showed up for the last class.
Tuesdays, which i previously had off, now have a class at 1pm to 4pm.
Wednesdays and Thrusdays are the same as before, and i still get my Fridays off. Huzzah!
It seems i've inadvertently acquired some screenshots of games i've played on this computer over time. If you know where to look, there are lots of games online that you can enjoy for free. :)
I have links to 39 online games in my Favourites folder. :P
Games ftw!

The above one is from Pokemon which i played on a GB emulator. :) lol
Lols :) Games ftw.
Me and my brothers would appreciate knowing some of those sites OH PLEEEEEASE? =)
I like hte Penis comment
I have been playing Sonny 2 but I will be honest, im rubbish,
Glad schol was ok
Omg Mboy, my brothers play the first and third flash games in the pics there. I never understood what it is about flash games. I think I have the same GB emulator, though I haven't played anything on it in years. :-/
I'm glad your day went well. Hurray for getting Fridays off!
Well, that's not too bad then. You still have plenty of time for your homework. LOL And your running.
Haha penis...
Glad things are going well! :D
Hi Mboy,
Really glad that things are going okay!
Chat soon.
I've been saying penis to amuse YOU lately ;)
Haha pokemon (pokeman...poke-man) ftw. That is the best game ever haha
Love youuuu
I am saying penis to amuse you :P
I wish I got fridays off D: You are lucky :P
penis? i dont remember that being part of the game
So, you're among the few this week NOT having a catastrophic blogging nervous breakdown.
Good that things are going ok for you
lol Greeting Mboy, you dont know me but ive been reading your blog for a while now and I decided to start my own and i linked to you, hope thats okay!!! Im glad to hear your school went well!! your lucky you dont have to go the full week, but i just thought i would stop in and say that i linked to you(this is my first ever comment!!!!!)
glad things are going good for you. School is such a neccessary evil but hey 4 days a week its not bad
keep smiling, take care and be safe my friend
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