Maybe it's cos i was up til midnight last night doing homework/watching Dexter, Boston Legal and then 30 Rock. lol
And the night before, i didn't get to sleep til 1am. =_=
Anyways, i just thought i'd drop in, and ya know, say hi and stuff.
I'm also letting you know that it looks like my 150,000 views celebration will happen tomorrow. We've come a long way. So i thought it would be time for a change. Don't worry though - I promise it will be nothing bad. And i'll still be posting most of the same stuff.
You'll see what i mean tomorrow. :P
I hope you'll check out the celebrations.
K. I'm making a lot of typos. I should get to bed and rest. I just wanted to post so i could get some comments, because comments always make me happy. ;)

You should definitely click it to see more detail. ;)
I saw yesterday totally cute and adorable gray-blue cat. Fantastic color.
a pre-emptive congrats on the 150K...
I am almost there but have no clue how to celebrate... i'll probably just break it and not even realize and then like a week later go... "crap i should have done something..."
12am? awwww poor baby... lol
Thats an early night for me.
oooh I can't wait- how exciting! Thats a scary lookin' kitty :-)
You and Jake are both working on a secret project...or the SAME SECRET PROJECT??? Oh my god! I feel like I just watched the end of the usual suspects
Much Love,
dude. it's the last thing a mouse sees before it gets eaten. congrats on 150k. you've come a long ways dude. i'm looking forward to the new things. see us around then.
i was going to write something stuffy and motherly sounding about you not going to bed so late. but. meh.
waiting anxiously to see the special post!!
I always worry about change, especially when I like what is there. This better be good. I suppose I should trust you.
*waits nervously to see what m-boy does to his blog*
Man, the last time I went to bed before midnight was . . . last week. But that doesn't count. I usually go to bed around 2am or so on a school night. And I have to be up early for class. -_-
you gotta to get some rest big guy for the big post tomorrow. I am on the edge of my seat in antcipation
take care and be safe
cat mouth
go to
its scary
Congrats! I can't wait for your big celebration! Try to get some rest buddy.
*has nightmares about mboy's cat*
by the way, how do you see how many views you've had?
You should be able to see my view count above the blog links to the right.
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