So i'm going to try out using a new email address for people to contact me on, because my previous one also doubled as my personal one, which i don't think was a good idea. is my new email address. It can also be found in the sidebar. For all things mirrorboy/blog-related please use that one. :)
I won't be using it for MSN though so don't randomly add me. :P
I'll still be using my other one a lot so if that's how you already contact me, don't worry about changing. And i'll be using my other one for MSN. I just won't be putting it on my blog anymore.
If you're set on having my MSN, send an email to my new address and i'll let you know. :)
Okay. That should put my heart at rest just a little more.
Just so you know, it's still freakin hot! To put it into perspective, this is the worst heatwave my state has experienced in over a century! T_T
'With fire-fighters, rail operators and power companies on red alert'. We've got news headlines like 'Heatwave Hell'. Cities are close to breaking their all-time temperature records. Some are getting up around 45 degrees C, and that's 113 degrees F!
And all you others are complaining about the snow and cold?! Gimme a break! Agh we're melting like snowmen! If i had snow i would dive into it and rub it all over my naked body.
For realsies.
I'd like to keep this untitled.
14 years ago