I spent today at my friend's house. I got back half-an-hour ago.
I think i'll get some dinner, and then spend the rest of the night relaxing, away from blog stuff. As much as i love it, it's draining my energy slowly. I also need to go practice jabbing myself in the eyes.
I'm taking down the poll tonight too.
72 of you said i should give my e-relationship with Jake a go, while 16 of you were against it.
Well, i'm damn right gonna, cos i love him more every day.
See you tomorrow.
About time I found out if you were alive!
You missed me saving Milkboys blog!
Take it easy, man. Don't let your energy level get low.
Nice picture. Thanks.
See ya.
Practice makes perfect!!
Hope you're chilled out by now.
Take care.
Oh yeah, I love you too <3
vertification word- diess
*hands MB a combo energy/happy potion* AND gives him a big hug!
Take care bud!
ps if you tire of the kitties mail 'em to florida!
I really like that pic of your cats. :P
Are they lovers? Or just friends?
chill... relax... think of the sea... waves lapping... hey! careful of those rocks there.
yo mirrorboy, i've mentioned you well loads in todays post. hope you don't mind - it's all done with a sense of frisky fun and friendship.
take care (& keep practicing)
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