And English is heaps of fun, am i right?? :D
Then later in the day for Personal Development, i pretty much just got on the computer and replied to emails. :P There was a bit of report-writing and letter-writing, but yeah, seeing as only 2 people showed up, not much work to do. lol
Tuesday was interesting tho. Twas Psychology and we had to choose a mental illness or disorder and do an assignment on it. So surprise! I chose social anxiety disorder. :D
So i figure i did a pretty good job on it. lol
Then when i handed it in, i told the teacher that i axly had it. Fun times. We spoke about it a bit, and she seemed genuinely really interested. I spose that's cos she is the Psychology teacher. :P
We both agree that psychologists are ftw. :)
That's about it. lol
Stay cool everyone. :/
Before i go, here's a picture that's a post in its own. :O
(Read the convo in the lower left corner :P)

How are things going with the new psychologist you're seeing?
1st cmmt baby er.. i mean gayby!
Aw nice :D
He must have spotted and stalked your username ^_^
Hardly English indeed. You're fortunate your writing ability appears to be inate.
Haha, all we ever do in our English class is silent read until there's twenty minutes left and our teacher tries to sound smart :p
Glad you're having a blast at school. :-)
And hurray for the WoW convo, lol. What level are you now? Mid- to late-20s or even early-30s?
Perhaps WoW people who follow your blog can now quest with you. You can create your own Mboy guild! Oh my . . .
Nice that you were able to do schoolwork that had some importance to you here and now. Not that all schoolwork should be like that. Sometimes it's important to get stuff into your brain that will be useful later, and sometimes it's good to get stuff that just makes you a better person or more aware of the world you live in.
And an interesting convo, btw.
stalker much? :o)
Is there even a connection of your username with your blog? I must be missing the point here.
@James - I'm not seeing a new psychologist, just 1 out of my previous 2.
@1st anon - uh huh...
@Aek - That picture was taken a while ago. I'm level 36 now. :P
@Jake - I posted a pic of Keeby before on my blog and he must have seen it.
awesome possum. :) good to hear u're doing great!
you're a geek :p
by the way, i made my first vlog, not as good as other people's vlog, but here's the link
Philyus? That name looks amazingly like Phallus... >__>
Horde 4 Life!
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